
Showing posts from July, 2015


It is very easy for many review centres to claim that they are the best, but as a discerning customer, you can also easily identify if they are telling the truth or are simply marketing their institution by paying attention to the following: The number of students currently enrolled Rule:   If they were indeed the best review centre, they should have attracted the most number of students.   The concept of the word “best” is very subjective, and the only quantifiable definition for this is the number of students they attract.  Be extra cautious when they tell you that the reason why they only cater to a maximum of 15 students per class is to maintain the quality of their reviews.   Analysis:  We were not born yesterday. Whether they admit this or not, review centres do not exist simply because they want to help students.  They ALSO want to earn a profit.   Truth be told, they only have 15 students because only a few find their ...

Official Results of TSAA's July 2015 IELTS Examinees

Top Scorers L R W S OBS  HIGHEST SURIBAS, RIZA GRACE 8.5 8.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 UY, Marion Levi 9.0 8.5 7.0 7.0 8.0  2nd HIGHEST Overall Band Score of 7.5 = 5 students  Highest Band Score per Component: Listening: 9.0 =   3 students Reading: 9.0 =  1 student Writing: 7.5 =  1 student Speaking: 8.0 = 1 student THOSE WHO ACHIEVED THEIR DESIRED SCORES: Those who passed the trending:  7/7 = 100% Those who failed the trending: 6/26 = 23%  TSAA’s JULY 2015 IELTS Passers: Mary May Arnilla, Janica Faye Berin, La Fayette De Guia, Benjamin Ebrada, Aubrey Mae Gella, Mary Anne Grace Locsin, June Belle Micolob, Ann Marie Olivares, Dr. Rosalie Rocina, Anthony Ian Salvan, Riza Grace Suribas, Cristy Tan and Marion Levi Uy, 

Speaking test schedule of TSAA's July 23 examinees

Below is the speaking test schedule for your information.  Further below are important reminders for your tests.  Please be guided accordingly.   Arrive 30 minutes ahead of your scheduled interview. Failure to arrive 30 minutes in advance will result in the forfeiture of your speaking test slot.  Bring your ID (the one you used to register for the exams) on the day of the interview and on the day of the written exams. You will also need to be at the Grand Regal Hotel by 8:00 AM on July 23 for the written exams.  Good luck in your tests!