Top Scorers L R W S OBS HIGHEST GREGORIO, Alexis Radzma 8.5 8.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 HINAUT, Rhenee 8.0 9.0 7.5 7.0 8.0 FERNANDEZ, Maria Lourdes Isabelle 8.5 9.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 2nd HIGHEST Overall Band Score of 7.5 = 12 students Highest Band Score per Component: Listening: 8.5 = 5 students Reading: 9.0 = 2 students Writing: 7.5 = 4 students Speaking: 7.5 = 6 students THOSE WHO ACHIEVED THEIR DESIRED SCORES: Those who passed the trending: 8/10 = 80% Those who failed the trending: 7/40 = 18% TSAA’s MAY 2016 IELTS Passers: Mabel Anoran, Jenny Anne Apias, Mary Dianne Catolico, Randy Dela Salde, Kayeson Anthony Ezpeleta, Maria Lourdes Isabelle Fernandez, Leexen Garcia, Alexis Radzma Gregorio, Rhenee Hinaut, Jamie Ruby Leono, Jacky-Lou Maestre, Decery Marquez, Junifrancis Morales, Gera...