Official Results of TSAA's December 2015 IELTS Examinees

Top Scorers L R W S OBS HIGHEST Acabado, Alyssa Marie 8.5 7.5 7.0 8.0 8.0 Esmundo, Oliver 8.5 9.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 Sembrana, Corrine Dawn 9.0 9.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 2nd HIGHEST Overall Band Score of 7.5 = 13 students Highest Band Score per Component: Listening: 9.0 = 4 students Reading: 9.0 = 3 students Writing: 7.5 = 2 students Speaking: 8.0 = 2 students THOSE WHO ACHIEVED THEIR DESIRED SCORES: Those who passed the trending: 9/10 = 90% Those who failed the trending: 9/26 = 35% TSAA’s DECEMBER 2015 IELTS Passers: Alyssa Marie Acabado, Fritzie Mae Agor, Alexander Ancog, Ralph Matthew Balgos, Lady Lou Cadungog, Amy Corral, Oliver Esmundo, John Cullen Gaga-a, Radel Lacustales, Januario LiƱan, Gloria Manuel, Mon Harris Narciso, Precy Rovilla, Faith Salcedo, Corrine Dawn Sembrana, Denni...