TSAA's December 12 IELTS Examinees' Speaking Test Schedule:


Bring your ID--the one you used to register for the exams--on DECEMBER 12, the day of the written tests, as this will serve as your test permit. You will also need to be at the Grand Regal Hotel, J.P. Laurel Avenue, the speaking and writing tests venue, on or before 8:00 AM on the same day.

Speaking test notices:

A.  For interviewees on Thursday and Friday:
  1. Bring the actual IDs you used when you applied.
  2. Be at the venue one hour ahead of your appointed time.
B.  For interviewees on Saturday and Sunday:
  1. Please go to the Grand Regal Hotel on Friday (between 3 and 5) for your pre-registration.  Bring your actual IDs.
  2. Be at the venue 30 minutes ahead of your appointed schedule.

If you have any questions or clarifications, do give us a call at 3006893 or 09204074409 for immediate feedback.

Good luck on your tests!

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