Exchange of Ideas of July 31 TSAA examinees

This page is intended for the exchange of thoughts of the July 31 examinees. Please don't forget to identify your name as you leave your ideas about the exam, especially the speaking test. More power!


  1. murray heasley (photo):


    this is murray heasley's facebook page. just click on his wall and click on the "from 1973 onwards" album to view some of his photos. i looked for charrete pagtalunan's page, but it doesn't show up, it's probably hidden..

  3. mkaminghoy ang exam oi..

    listening: 7 items on multiple choice
    in gen. paspas mags2rya ang speakers

    reading: gipurga mi ug yes/no/ng ug sentence halves with choices.
    naa pd fill in the blanks and summary headings

    writing: task 1-bar graph showing total population among 4 cities in 1975, 2002 and predicted figures in 2015. task 2-balanced argument: university students should pay the full amount of their educational studies because individuals benefit more than the society. to what extent do u disagree or agree? what is your opinion?

    hahay.. gudlak nlng :]

  4. 10 items yes/no/not given ^_^

  5. Writing Task 2:

    Some people say that advertisement is very useful and informative. Others say that it gives false information and increases the price of the goods.

    Discuss each view and state your own opinion.

  6. Tips for the day:

    1. Turn off your cellphone before entering the business center because there was an incident happened in my co-examinee who was not able to take the speaking test because her phone rang just as she was about to enter the room. B kerpol mao na ayaw jud pag-tinanga!
    2. Study the questions from past exams because all questions asked to me are very random.
    3.Don't use perfume. Char kopya lng nko kay Sir Rob. hehe
    4.The cheese my sentiments: Speaking questions.
    a. About flowers
    b. Cards and/or letters

  7. OBMIJ: sustagen! Lisod xa pero sayon sya.. Libog noh?? mao na ang exam ganina.. haha pressure gamay pro ok ra.. aja 9.5! hehe

  8. Hi! It would be best appreciated if you post the questions that were asked from you so that the others can benefit. Thank you for dropping us a line or two here...

    rob and dan

  9. task 1: about neighborhood in general.... same Qs that was discussed... as in exactly the same..

    task 2: tALK about a person you have lived with. who? what activities do you enjoy doing together? how do you feel living with this person.

    God bless =)

  10. I was interviewed by Murray Heasley 30 minutes earlier than my supposed interview schedule (01.08.10 - 1.50pm). Most of the time during the interview, he was just looking at the question book, playing with his pen and making dots on a sheet of paper. No eye-to-eye contact and seemed that he is bored sitting and listening to me. He was fond of follow-up questions opposing to my views and tried to persuade me to take side on his. However, I managed to explain further my choices with smiles and composure, trying to create a friendly environment that is unnoticeable inside the room.

    Here are the questions he asked me:

    Part 1:

    1. Are you working? Or studying?
    2. What trainings you had related to your job?
    3. Do you think your job is good?
    4. What other work do you think that you will enjoy aside from what you have now?
    5. Do you like fashion?
    (I answered here definitely yes! I told him that fashion keeps me updated with the latest trends and helps me improve my physical appearance that eventually helps me to have confidence.
    He made a discouraging reply on this and told, "I don't know what's with women wasting their time on fashion!"
    I continued by saying, "Well, we have to meet up with the standards set by the society that is why we keep on updating ourselves in fashion." - With a smile! And he flashed a sarcastic smile followed by a "TSK!")

    6. Do you like shopping?
    7. What kinds of clothes do you usually buy when you go on shopping?

    Part 2:

    What TV program do you enjoy watching?
    What is it all about?
    Where do you watch it?
    Explain why you enjoyed watching it.

    Part 3:

    1. Do you usually watch TV?
    2. What are the effects of foreign TV programs to Local programs?
    3. Do you think local programs are good?
    4. Are the local programs made to give knowledge or just for entertainment?
    5. Do Filipinos love to watch knowledge programs? What are the examples of knowledge programs you have?

    The interview concluded. He bid goodbye and wished me luck!

  11. writing task 1
    a computer company is giving away a brand new computer and whoever sends the best letter wins. write a letter to the company.(or something like that. dili nako sure hehe :D)
    *explain your situation.
    *why you want to win the computer?
    *how will it affects your future?

    speaking part 1
    what do you like about your town?

    what did you do this week that was extra special?

    speaking part 2
    what hobby did you enjoy during your childhood?
    what is it?
    when was it?
    why do you like it?

    part 3
    what do most filipino children now enjoy doing as their hobby?

    ang interviewer usahay naay sarcastic na action, i noticed it during the first part. then he asks any questions in between conversation, then he offered a hand shake after the conversation. also mura cya ug istrikto pero mo smile man cya usahay.. basig magandang gising lang to.. :D he also smiled after our conversation. its murray btw.

  12. i was interviewed about 2 hrs earlier than my sked kay i arrived very early pd.. my interviewer was murray heasley (camiguin rm).. before the intrview there were mixed comments about him, suplado, not accommodating, bsta negative halos tanan feedback.. so i expected the worst na jud.. but in fairness buotan kaau xa sa akoa.. he even extended his hand after the interview, he smiled all throughout the interview and established eye contact pd.. i dont think he did that because i gave him good answers, as a matter of fact when i had difficulty expressing my idea he would finish the sentence for me.. i was asked the same questions ni glicelda.. study the march compilation jud.. i guess lain iyang mood for each candidate.. i suggest na as soon as you go inside the room, greet him and flash a very big smile.. also it helps jd that u speak with a smile kay mu lighten ang mood sa interview.. =)

  13. Thanks a lot Glee, Jayson and Elaine!


  14. I was interviewed 1 hour and 30 minutes ahead of my schedule.. The list was not followed, supposedly I am the last one to be interviewed,but the person scheduled before me was not there.. I suggest that you should arrive early in the Hotel, as not to keep the interviewer waiting for you..Study the march question compilation, and the speaking question part 1 that was given by Sir Robert during our final briefing.. All the questions are just being recycled...

  15. I was interviewed by Murray Heasley, at first i thought he's strict,pero hindi naman pala..gusto niya direct to the point yong sagot mo.. hindi niya gusto yong daming pasikot sikot.masaya ako ng lumabas ako sa room. For me, friendly naman siya..

    PArt 2 Talk about the special meal that you have eaten.

    What food?
    Who are with you?

    Explain why is it special.

  16. my interviewer was Mr. Heasley. He started the interview right away without even telling me to relax... =( i messed up in task 1, that's for sure..he kept on distracting me by not paying attention, he was pretending to fix his eyeglasses, played on his pen, looked at the ceiling, etc.

    meanwhile, i managed task 2 in which i was able to talk for more than 2 mins. given that, he interrupted me by asking another question which i didn't hear correctly as i was still talking. he repeated the question.

    then we proceeded to task 3, which is known to be the most challenging part yet i personally think otherwise since it was that time when Mr. Murray bombarded me with so many questions regarding my answer in task 2 but i easily answered since they were sort of personal questions that can be driven from a general situation =)

    Also, in task 3, i enjoyed the conversation so much that i didn't notice the time =) Mr. Murray is friendly =) He was even smiling and was almost laughing on the last part of the speaking test as i did... lastly, he ended the interview by thanking me and by saying "have a great day dear."

    i know i got a deduction for task 1..i just hope i did pretty well in the other parts to compensate the demerits.

  17. Sir Rob, i was interviewed by sir murray...:(
    He didn't offer a hand shake with me...but he smiled when he said goodbye...i'm worried..:(

  18. Hi! Don't worry if he didn't shake hands with you. :-) Be positive! Let's wait for the results na lang. Also, look at the brighter side. He smiled when he ended the test. :-) He didn't do this to many interviewees.

    Rob and Dan

  19. Please post the questions and not just your comments. In this way, you will be helping our successors.

    Part 1:

    Let's talk about your hometown

    Descride the attractoions in your hometown

    what improvements you want to suggest in your hometown

    How do you spend your free time?

    Do you spend your free time in watching tv or going out with friends?

    Part 2:

    Describe the popular music that is popular in your country

    What type?
    Where heard?
    Why popular?

    Part 3:

    How does music affect the person's emotions

    How are you influence by music

    How music contribute to noise pollution?

    How younger generation and the older generation choose their music preference? Why?

    HOw mellow music affect the emotions of the people?

    Good Luck!

  20. i was interviewed by charette. everything sir rob said was spot on. my interview schedule was supposed to be 4.40 pm but i got there an hour early and after 10 minutes the proctor called me for the interview. sir rob is right. charette's accent is to die for!!! when she was talking to her voice recorder, i almost died having a heart attack. i was really intimidated by her accent. for a minute or two i had a fast onset PTSD and might have messed up a little bit during my first part. anyway it's really hard to tell if charette's likes you since she looks so neutral although she ocassionally nods. but still it's hard to tell. she seemed sweet though. anyway for those who will be taking the next ielts exam just follow everything sir rob and sir dan tells you to do. for the speaking test, everything is in the hand outs..EVERYTHING!!! n_n

  21. sir rob, all questions in task 1 are found in the handouts.. task 2 is a bit unfamiliar pero ok lng =) kaso my task 3 was a little personal na parang general nweiz, here's what her asked me:

    why is it important to get along well with the people you lived with? who are those people? (he asked me these questions at one time)

    the proceeding questions are i think questions that just came out from his mind (i noticed he wasn't reading the book kasi)

    why are there things that you can't share with your mother?

    don't you think they also undergo the same thing when they were young? like having crush, falling in love, etc

    why are filipinos like these? (referring about the last 2 questions wherein, we can't tell everything to our mother) .... while in other countries it's different...

    do you think we should have someone to tell these secrets with?

    why can't you not share it to your mother the fact that these things are very private? why do you share it to others instead?

    why is that so.....?

  22. btw, he didn't offer a shake hands... but he was smiling during our conversation in task 3 until the interview ended.. actually, it was there in task 3 when i felt comfortable talking kasi it ran so casual na... pro questions kasi were about confidential matters... woahhh...

  23. Thank you Francx and Peach for the very detailed feedback!

    Congratulations ahead. :-)


  24. Most of these comments are total nonsense and not helpful for reviewees. Please remove them

  25. No examiner would ever make comments to a candidate in Part One. It is forbidden and a record of the interview is available for anyone to verify. Questions in Part Three are not intended to prove anyone wrong but simply see if the speaker can actually think in the language. Examiners do not like candidates smiling for the whole interview. It is unnatural and artificial. Just act normally. That is the best guide.

  26. of course not... they are of great help....

  27. To anonymous 31 October, 2010 11:02 and
    anonymous 31 October, 2010 11:07


I really don't know what your motive is, but it seems that you are protecting someone here. (Are you the interviewer the students are describing here? LOL!)

    These are the actual experiences of our students and I don't think they would go through such great lengths just to fabricate stories.


No matter what others say about what should be observed in Part 1 (that examiners are forbidden to make comments and the like), the thing is what you will read from here comes from our students who sat the actual test.


It's up to the readers to decide whether what is written here is worth noting or not.

    And talking about interviewees who keep on smiling during the test, why make a fuss about it? If examinees cannot force the interviewers to at least look cordial, why would the latter take it against the former if they wish to appear friendly and pleasant by smiling? Besides, the criteria set in the interview do not include the interviewees' facial expression, so why comment against those who smile?

    My message to our TSAA students: Keep those reports coming guys!




  28. i was interviewed by ms corazon dufadalsa..she is ok
    my task is describe an office or shop you know


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